
Before using luna, you need to install it from pip as follows: pip install luna_fviz.

The following provides an example of how Luna can be used for feature visualization:

from luna.pretrained_models import models
from luna.featurevis import featurevis, images, image_reader
from luna.featurevis.transformations import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

model = models.model_inceptionv3()
model.trainable = False
image = images.initialize_image(324, 324)

iterations = 512
learning_rate = 0.7

optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(epsilon=1e-08, learning_rate=0.05)

# Define a function containing all the transformations that you would like to apply
# At the moment scaling and blur yield the best results.
# Nonetheless, all other lucid transformations are implemented in featurevis.transformations and can be added too.
def my_trans(img):
    """Function containing all the desired transformations
    img = scale_values(img)
    img = blur(img)
    return img

opt_param = featurevis.OptimizationParameters(iterations, learning_rate, optimizer=optimizer)
activation, image= featurevis.visualize_filter(image, model, "mixed5", 30, opt_param, transformation=my_trans)


images.save_image(image, name="test")
image_reader.save_npy_as_png("test.npy", ".")